Help optimizing my streaming setup

My streaming setup is pretty simple and sounds very good right now, but I'm wondering if I can do anything between the router and the streamer to make it better.  I'm not interested in a DAC upgrade at this time.  My virtual system is not up to date.  The system is:

Verizon FIOS router>6 meter DH Labs Reunion Cat 8 ethernet cable>Aurender N100SC>Oyaide DR-510 spdif>DAC

Since I'm able to hardwire the streamer to the router, would a switch provide any benefit?  I'm aware of the Eno that some of you guys seem to like and have been looking into them.  Would an LPS for the router do anything?  Is there anything else I can do? 


People are free to add whatever they want to their network and enjoy the bling.  Just to balance the conversation, however, there are many in the audio world that do not believe tweaking networks as described in this thread have any benefit whatsoever.  As above, please believe as you wish.  But I have never seen a trained network engineer agree with the rationale for these devices.  

I’d like to take a more moderate stance in light of my experience and those that have extensive experience modifying networks. I think achieving high quality sound can be achieved from two different directions: either through a high quality streamer or through extensively modifying and upgrading network components and a lower level streamer.

I am not sure what the cost relationships are, but in terms of approaches, buying a higher quality streamer is more appealing to me. I want high quality audio, not to go back to being an IT guy. But that is me. Lots of folks like to fiddle. My streamer produces world class sound, comparable to my analog leg and does so with a wall wart wifi extender. I tried an EtherRegen and it did not help, and in one case made it worse. I know of several very high end systems that work this way.

I have a Lumin d1 and they state that unit has galvanic isolation. So would I also benefit from an ENO?