help on changing capacitors

Hello every one I need advice...I have a balanced audio technology vk-5i preamplifier that needs to change the output capacitors they are rated 1mfd at 400vdc this use to be made by Jensen but they are no longer in business, I contacted Bat but they asked more than 450 us for changing them, can you recommend a substitute and what brand should I buy?
Best Regards
Albert Saadia


Showing 4 responses by noromance

I stand corrected. The ODAM are $90 from Vcap while the Miflex are $66 from Partsconnexion. The $1200 was for CuTF however and it should have been $2200+ Must be having a pre-senior moment.
The ODAMs are 3 times the price. The OP had concerns over pricing otherwise I could have recommended CuTF at $1200 a set!
They’re not electrolytic capacitors. Because it’s a balanced circuit the output is through two output capacitors. So there are two 1uF 400V Jensen’s on the positive/negative output. (These caps appear to have a history of failure in these amps.)

The Miflex can be got here:  MIFLEX KFPM-01 Capacitor, 1.0uF 600Vdc, Copper Foil Polypropylene Film (

Info on the caps: (
Miflex. Clear, dynamic and a little bit bright and should fit in the space.