help on changing capacitors

Hello every one I need advice...I have a balanced audio technology vk-5i preamplifier that needs to change the output capacitors they are rated 1mfd at 400vdc this use to be made by Jensen but they are no longer in business, I contacted Bat but they asked more than 450 us for changing them, can you recommend a substitute and what brand should I buy?
Best Regards
Albert Saadia


Showing 1 response by bigkidz

The key to changing out the capacitors is size.  Some caps are just to large to fit in tight spaces so be careful.  Increasing the numeric values for Power Supply capacitors will in general produces better bass so if you can fit them in, my recommendation is to do so.

I recently used the Milflex copper caps with very good results in sound reproduction - did not find them bright either.

Happy Listening.