HELP: No sounds out of my tweeter.

I own BW800 Diamond. I just bought a used pair of interconnect to use from my pre to amp. When I hooked them up I HEARD A LOUD EAR PIERCING HUM OUT OF MY RIGHT SPEAKER. I immediatly turned off my system. I then put my old cables back on and the hum was gone.

Now the diamond tweeter out of the right speaker is no longer working. Do you think it's the xover or the tweeter that got fried. What do you think caused this? Is this easy to fix? If the problem was caused by the interconnect. Should I hold the seller of the IC responsible?
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The system should have been off when you connected the cable. Then slowly introduce volume. If the cable is bad you won't be able to get any recourse since the problem may have happened after it was shipped or given to you. Are you sure they were both properly seated into the power amp? Why kind of cable with what kind of RCA connector on it? It would take the positive side only with neither the left or right ground present for this to happen unless you have monoblocks or dual mono design without common ground between the left and right channel. Sorry the tweeter was roasted. Good luck.