Help needed with Rattle in my floorstanding speakers.

Help and suggestions needed with a rattling noise in my speakers.

I was playing a song called fading sun by Terje Isungset and it has the deepest bass note I have ever heard and one of my floorstanding speakers had a very noticeable rattle that I can hear coming from the upper part of the cabinet with the lowest bass note of the track. Not sure why but what is your recommendation to locate and hopefully fix this rattle. Thank you!


Showing 1 response by jhnnrrs

That particular piece enlightened me to the fact that the voice coil in my Martin Logan ESL woofer was rubbing.  I had to get a replacement from them.  It stresses parts of the system and the room so aggressively that anything prone to rattling does.  Make sure the sound is coming from the loudspeaker first, then try tightening any screws around the drivers.  I don't think you have too many options around securing things within the cabinet.  Take solace in the fact that "Fading Sun" is an anomaly amongst the tunes that we generally listen to.