Help needed to sort out an annoying crackling/static issue with streamer

Hi all, I'm experiencing a frustrating problem playing music with my new Musical Fidelity MX-Stream.  

My hi-fi system comprises:

MX-Stream > Innuos PhoenixUSB > Chord M-Scaler > Chord Qutest > Musical Fidelity M6si amp.

In general, it works fine but every 30 seconds or so there's an annoying crackling (static) sound, or sometimes it's fine for a few minutes or more.  Unfortunately, it's not a reproducible issue using the same piece of music, i.e. it occurs randomly.  I've tried a million solutions but here's a summary of what I've tried so far:

1. If the MX-Stream is removed from my hi-fi system, there's no issue.  So it appears to be the main culprit.

2. MX-Stream's firmware is updated to the latest version.

3. I use Roon (on a dedicated ROCK server) along with Qobuz for my music.  Playing the music directly via the MX-Stream iOS app gives the same issue.  Using Airplay instead of Roon/Qobuz also gives the same issue.

4. Replacing all the USB cables, network switch, including a new power conditioner, and replacing all the ethernet cables doesn't help.

5. No such issue when my iPhone or iPad is connected using a USB cable.  This issue only occurs wirelessly.

6. High speed internet (>100 Mb/s).  Problem occurs using either WiFi or ethernet.

7. It's got nothing to do with switching of bitrates/music.

8. Removing other components (e.g. M-Scaler, Qutest, Innuos) from the system doesn't help.

9.  Directly connecting the MX-Stream to my MF amp's internal DAC using a high-end USB cable also shows this issue but it sounds different (not so much of a static sound but almost like a transient loss or warped type of sound, if that makes any sense!).

10. Interestingly, when controlling Roon using an iPhone instead of an iPad, the static sound appears more often.

11.  Altering the buffer size, etc in the MX-Stream (Volumio) app (or Roon app) doesn't seem to help.

12.  Yes, I've tried connecting different sets of speakers.  Same issue.

Thanks for reading this far!  Any advice would be appreciated (also currently waiting on a replacement power supply for the MX-Stream - but I've completely run out of ideas!).  



Showing 2 responses by carlsbad

Not sure what I'm missing.  YOu bought a new piece of equipment and it makes static noise.  It isn't any other of your equipment. the new piece of equipment is defective.  Am I confused?

To confirm this replace the new streamer with your old streamer and confirm no problems.
