Help needed to recover costs please

I ordered some cables to be made by a US manufacturer almost a year ago, cost around $650, paid via paypal (not an AudiogoN transaction, so hope it's ok to post about it?). The supplier originally said they were shipped 3 months later and supplied tracking no, but USPS apparently lost them. The supplier said they were fully insured and they would recover the cost and send me a refund, as I didn't want to wait further for the cables to be made again. After many, many emails from me chasing the supplier, including my agreeing to accept the cables as ordered rather than a refund, I still have no refund or cables.
Can anyone advise me how I can encourage them refund me or send the cables please? PayPal don't want to know as it is outside their 3 month window. I'm prepared to pay a local (US) lawyer to write a letter to them if folk think that would help, though I'm worried the cost of any legal action will soon exceed what I'm trying to recover.
Please help/advise if anyone has similar experieince or ideas.
Dave (from UK)
Thanks guys. I have sent them an email with a link to this thread, so hopefully they will take it seriously. Real shame because their cables are excellent, already using some.
Well after another few emails of them "promising" to send some cables, I've reached the end of my patience.
The company is called WHITE ZOMBIE AUDIO, and they have taken $650 of my hard earned and delivered nothing but broken promises.

I would urge anyone thinking of buying from them to think again. I would be happy to forward on my email trail with them, which basically comprises a year's worth of them saying yeah, yeah we'll send them in a few days then nothing, no correspondence, no cables, no excuse.

If they do send the cables or a refund I would be happy to update this thread accordingly, but at the moment it's looking pretty grim. If anyone has a contact number for these I would be grateful to have it as I would like to speak to them directly to at least hear if they have any remorse.
Dandy, how did you hear of and what motivated you to purchase a product from White Zombie? I'm curious why people want to transact with, at least to me, a truly obscure company.

I'm sorry it didn't work out for you.