Help needed - Only one channel playing!

I am stumped and hope someone can help solve this mystery.

My left AGD Audion mono block stopped playing, while the right one was ok. They are connected directly to a Denafrips Terminator Plus XLR output, but the RCA output also did not fix the problem. I then moved the right amp to the left side after verifying that the cables and connections were okay (even though they had not been touched before the problem). The right amp that had been playing now did not play with the left connection. Alberto (AGD) checked the amps and verified they were testing normally.

Eventually, after many days and playing two different integrated amps, which played both channels, I reconnected the Audions both channels played as expected. Now the problem has returned BUT on the right channel. I moved the right amp to the left channel and verified it plays normally. In other words, the problem has returned, but now the other (right) channel is dead, but only with the Audions, bc I reconnected an integrated, and both channels play as expected.

All connections seem ok, and the problem occurs whether there is an XLR or RCA output connection.

I power reset the TPlus and hard reset the Lumin U2, but that did not help.

I think the problem is in the TPlus, but it's just a guess through the process of elimination.

If anyone has suggestions for correcting this problem, I would appreciate it if you could respond to this message. I'm out of ideas.

Thank you



Check to make sure your power cables are pushed in all the way and firmly seated on the audions. AGD can be fussy with certain power cords 

Glad to hear that all’s well! But it sounds like something is loose. Let us know if it happens again.

Again, thanks to everyone for responding with ideas and suggestions.

It appears the problem is with the Dac. I am also noticing distortion, where the music sounds weird rather than hearing an obvious noise. So far, the problem has not been reproduced with a different Dac in place.

I have contacted the manufacturer to arrange an inspection and repair.

If I learn more about this problem, I will share it for the benefit of all.

BTW, the AGD Audions are amazing!