help narrowing down my list of speakers, $2500

Hi, I will be buying some speakers shortly. I will have them paired with an Odyssey dual mono amp (plenty of power), Tempest (Odyssey) preamp, Ridge Street Audio interconnects and speaker cable, and an Audio Aero Prima cd player. Also I will be adding a sub soon, so bass shouldent be the deciding factor here. I have a small room (12' x 12') and my budget is $2500. I went to listen to some B&W's at the dealer and like what I heard from the Naut. 804's. Wide soundstage, clear, detailed, musical. Im looking for speakers like that. I usually listen to rock (old and new) so I want speakers that can handel that. My choices so far are:
-Sonus Faber
-Aerial Acoustics
-Tyler Acoustics

Any you think I should add to that list? Suggestions on what to take off? Thanks


Showing 1 response by nrenter

You need to spend less time on Audiogon and more time listening to speakers. Do you have any idea how differently each of the manufacturers approach speaker design? Until you narrow your scope down to 2 or 3 specific speakers (not manufacturers), there will be more noise than signal in this thread.