Help!My systems sound too bright

Hi I have a pair of Wilson Benesch Orator driven by an intergrated Jadis Da-60 amp,source is a Proceed cdp,interconnects is by Tara Labs master generation 2,spk cables also by Tara Labs reference generation 2,powercords synergistic research master coupler and cdp plug into chang lightspeed 3200 and amp into a power wedge 212p.I just bought my spk and it sounds bright and overwelming I not sure if it is because i have not run in the spks(about 20 hrs)or I have room acoustic problem or is there anything wrong wth my setup.any advice and thanks first

Showing 1 response by fletch

As far as componets go the only possible option is the change the source componet. S.F.and Metronome are two units that come to mind. They will exhibit a warmer character (tube units)to the current reproduction. I would think that your primary concern should be room acoustics. It sounds as though the room may well be contributing to the brightness you are hearing. Hopefully you dont have a hard reflective type floor. Also be sure to damp your primary reflection points. On the ceiling to if you can. Dont think Lens will assist in dampening the room. As far as speakers go, I do agree that break in will change the tonal character of your system. I tend to doubt that if what you are currently hearing and describing will vanish upon break in of the speakers on its own. Good luck and happy listening.....