Help me with the next step after the Sony Hap 1zes…

Hello all, I don’t post often however it’s time get into the streaming end of the digital world. I have loved my Sony Hap for 8 years but time to move on. I would love recommendations that will not break the bank but still have the same sound quality. Thanks in advance.


Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

What is your current system, and the balance of your bank account? There is a place to put photos of your system and I’d your components. This would be really helpful, so we could be. Most of us have our systems shown so folks can tell where we are coming from.


For me, I would recommend an Aurender N20 and Audio Research Ref DAC 9. You will get really natural, detailed, sound, most likely competitive or better than other inputs on your system. More info on you and your system necessary for a better recommendation.