Help me with decision

Dear all,
New newbie here!
I live in Brazil and I don't have a large options to buy audio equipments.
Exist the possibility to buy from a local supplier the following setup:
Dynaudio Special Forty (hight recommended)
Cambridge Edge A or W
Auralic Altair G1 (this one I intend to bring from USA)
Another brand that is possible to buy is HEGEL.
Of course I have a limited budget.
I don't have a lot of space in my room and I'm looking for audio quality. I use basically streaming like Tidal and some flacs using Roon. What do you think about this brands and the combination of then?
All suggestions are welcome!
Many, many thanks,

Its actually quite simple. Go and listen to everything you can find locally. What sounds good to you is all that matters. What someone here says means nothing. No one here lives in Brazil, no one has your budget, or ears, or room. Only you.

When you go and listen, have them set up not only the speakers but have them let you listen to different speaker cables, interconnects, and power cords too. The more time you can spend listening to all of these the more you will learn about what makes a difference and is worth money and what you can save your money and do without.

So don't be in a hurry. Take your time. Gradually you will learn enough by doing this to answer all your questions yourself. You won't need anyone for advice. In fact you will start to realize a lot of the advice you thought was good turned out to be bad. Only you can figure this out for yourself.

Eventually the doubts will go away. You will reach a point where you are really sure about one thing or another. Maybe its the speakers. You find a pair you really like. Not because of what someone recommended, but because they sounded good to you when you heard them. Very important. So now try different things with those speakers, to find out what you like best with them.

Don't be afraid to bug the shop. Say you want to buy the speakers, but not so sure about the speaker cables or amp. Ask if you can bring your own in to try them. Or if they will let you bring the speakers home to try. Or if you can "buy" them and return if you don't like them. I have done all these things at one time or another. Worst they can do is say no. But if they say yes and you like what you hear then buy from them. 

This is all slow and hard but it works. Its exactly what I did. If I can do it, you can too.