help me to understand the gain

I have a problem that the gain is too high. I can only turn the volume knob to 7 o'clock position, with the 0 at 6 o'clock. I am sort of ok when using my computer where I can lower the volume in iTunes. But from my CD player, I cannot.
I am using Maverick Audio DAC, PrimaLuna Progloue 3, McCormack DNA-1, and B&W CDM9NT.

CDM9NT - 90db sensitivity
PrimaLuna - gain 12db(4x), input impedance - 100k Ohm, output impedance - 2800 Ohm
McCormack - input impedance - 100k Ohm, 150Wpc RMS into 8 ohms (21.8dBW)

is that my equipments are out of synergy? I just bought a pair of Zu which is 101db sensitivity, does that mean it will be a even bigger problem? should I buy another preamp with less gain, or should I buy another amp with less power output?

Showing 3 responses by charles1dad

Given the exceptionally high gain/amp and very sensitive Zu speakers, you have the ideal setting for a passive preamp(high quality). Your system needs no additional gain at all.
The problem is`nt the Zu`s high efficiency(often a big plus). Again it`s not too much power or current, excess gain is a entirely different matter.Elizabeth uses very inefficient (84db) speakers and has the same issue. It`s gain folks.
I`m a huge avocate for SET amplifiers(particularly with your speaker`s 101db sensitivity) however power and gain are`nt the same. you can have a low wattage amp with very high gain and a high powered amp can have normal or low gain. You must also factor in the amp`s sensitivity, for example 300mv is very sensitive and 2v would be far less sensitive. Your current system simply does`nt need the gain of the active preamp. Thus direct source to amp or a passive preamp. If you want to keep your preamp you`ll need an amp with much less gain than your DNA1.