Help me to build my first stereo system

Hi, I’m AJ and I’m new here to the forum. 
I am getting married in June and I want to get a nice stereo system for our new apartment. Only thing is they im on a budget… I’d like to spend around 1500 max between speakers amp and turntable. What would you guys recommend to me ? 

thanks so much for the help :)


Showing 1 response by pdspecl

I was under similar budget a little while back and ended up getting a Rega Brio integrated for $300, Tekton Lore speakers for $500,  Schiit Audio dac for $200 running through an older NAD dvd/cd player and I’m extremely pleased in the result  for money spent.   You mentioned a turn table and I did not go that route.   However I think you can certainly put together a nice set up within you budget with some research and advice from the experts on the forum.