Help me to build my first stereo system

Hi, I’m AJ and I’m new here to the forum. 
I am getting married in June and I want to get a nice stereo system for our new apartment. Only thing is they im on a budget… I’d like to spend around 1500 max between speakers amp and turntable. What would you guys recommend to me ? 

thanks so much for the help :)


Showing 1 response by knotscott

It's as subjective as picking a favorite color, and your speaker selection should take your room into consideration, so take most of our specific favorite recommendations with that in mind.  You really need to satisfy you. 

I'd spend most of my time and budget finding a pair of speakers you love that will work well in your room, then focus on an amplifier that will drive them.  Add music source as money allows.  

Buying good used gear can lead to some great bargains.