Help me solve another speaker hum thread :)

My dealer recently installed a set of Sonus Faber Aida’s with 2x McIntosh MC901 monoblocks. I also have 4x dedicated lines.

The problem is I have have hum in both speakers (hum in the midrange only. The tweeter makes a different noise but I read that’s more normal?) One speaker is louder than the other. Neither changes with volume. The louder one can be heard at about 6 inches away, the quieter one needs my ear as close as possible to faintly hear anything. Sound from both is 50hz maybe 60hz hum. Both monoblocks also make a slight mechanical buzz that can be heard about 6 inches away.

If I have only one speaker, speaker cables, and monoblock powered (nothing else connected, powered, or even plugged in), it still makes the hum.

I have tried using a cheater plug for possible ground loop, also a DC blocker. Neither made any difference. What do you guys think the issue could be? Bad tubes?

Do I need to send the amps back? Or just live with it? I don’t hear from listening position or anything. Thanks in advance.

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Showing 1 response by jackd

Check the routing and connections of the cables as @oldhvymec  said and then pull and re-seat all the tubes.