Help me salvage my rack

Before i realized that the rack can have an effect on sound i bought a sanus rack with glass shelving. What should i do? Replace the glass shelves with wood, put wood over the glass?vibrapods? Help!!

Showing 1 response by dekay

To try something different you should be able to pick up a couple of MDF shelves cut to size for $5 or so at your local lumber yard. For starters without geting into upturned spikes, specialty soft footers and the like try isolating the MDF shelves from the stand with speaker tack, small pieces of a mouse pad, maybe brass nuts (the ones with round ends) and, you know, try out hard and soft footers that are readily available. I would also suggest that you take a look at the "shelf material" and "isolation" threads at this site for more advanced ideas. My suggestion is just an under $10 one that will allow you to get away from the glass in order to see what will happen and is not by any means intended to be an end all solution.