Help me pick a new desktop speaker

Hello!   For the new year I want to replace the Edifier speakers on my desktop.    The problem is there are many many to pick from.    I am leaning towards the Fosi amp but very unsure of speakers in this price range.    I am a picky audiofool and dont want to thru a merry go round.   I am looking for something under 20lbs each.  and under $500.    Im leaning toward Dali or Elac.    What is your experience and which would you pick?     Many thanks for your opinion.....


Well, I see a lot of recommendations for specialty-type speakers and I’m sure most of them are perfectly fine , but if it’s me I’d like something with a bit more credibility. Most of these companies recommended above only make low-budget speakers, and that’s perfectly fine except you can get a similar product from a more established company who can trickle down superior knowledge/technology/design from their much pricier models. One such example is the Usher S-520 that comes from a company that makes outrageously good sounding (and very high value) speakers whose flagship speaker costs $43k. Another, if you can stretch a bit, is the Silverline Minuet Supreme Plus.  I can’t help but think there’s gotta be some of that Uber high-end magic in there that the low-budget manufacturers can’t hope to deliver. But that’s me. Just my $0.02 FWIW, and best of luck.

Thanks Soix - 2 good suggestions!   Will investigate.    When I called my desktop setup thin - I was referring to the midrange,  BTW.      Keep those suggestions coming!   Much appreciated!    Will give followup in a few days when I pull the trigger.

The Elac debut 3.0 DB63 have arrived.   Unfortunately the Fosi amps have not.  Thanks for all the input.   It is VERY hard to make a choice without a chance to listen.    That is why I reached out.   THANKS to everyone that made suggestions.

My wife is a musician and sings in a Master Chorus. She needed (OK, wanted) a pair of desktop speakers for her work desk, which she also uses to listen and occasionally record sample tracks. I ended up getting her a pair of JBL 305P MkIIs monitors. Powered, CD horns (not al all honky) and designed for nearfield listening. Now that they are a little broken in at about 200 hours I can say that they sound great. Cost was under $300