Help Me Interim Speakers Suggestions?

Health & location problems are forcing me to move from my big house with my 24' x 22' listening room to a much smaller house or condo. This will require me to part with my beloved B&W 802 with accompanying large outboard Northcreek crossovers, as the combo will take up too much space in a smaller room. Plus, I need to simplify & downsize my complex system. Most likely my new place will end up having a 16 x 14 room, or smaller, and will be either a living room or a bedroom.

I find speakers to be one of the hardest things to choose, and expect it will be some time until I find something full range yet not overly large that I will be happy with. So, I'm looking to pick up some bookshelf or floor standing speakers on Audiogon that will sound good and be easy to resell a little later.

Any suggestions? Thoughts of mine were PSB Stratus Gold Mini, Vandersteen 1C, Thiels. I like accuracy and clarity, but not coldness. I don't find my 802's cold, just accurate, and since I use tubes, I have an accurate, but slightly warm overall result. Appreciate your suggestions.
Also consider JM Reynaud speakers. Sound great according to your needs and are popular yet somewhat rare on Audiogon so should be fairly easy to resell.
If still own PS audio amp, i think i would consider Vandersteen 1c, as you suggested yourself.
sounds interesting from the comments I have heard etc
The cabinets are made from 3/4" MDF and are well braced internally for a quiet cabinet. The cabinets are veneered in your choice of oak, cherry, or walnut veneers, and then given several coats of lacquer for a high-gloss luster.

This moderately sized speaker delivers remarkable detail balanced with surprising bass extension and low distortion.
Shamrock Audio Keelin

Dual 5" "Sandwich-Cone" Woofers
1" Textile Dome Tweeter
Air-Core Inductors
Separate High-pass / Low-Pass Boards.
Bi-Wire Capable
* (4 ohm speaker)
They have been discussing this new model called the Keelin
On Blue Circle..$ 749.00 a pair
this and another product I forget the name of it for affordable end of the spectrum..
I am suprised nobody has mentioned Dynaudio's. I just sold a pair of special 25's that would seem to fit your bill. I think they sounded wonderful(good bottom end for a stand mount), and played many types of music well. I regretted selling mine............but needed the money.
I recommend Von Schweikert VR1, 2, 3 series, and Silverline SR17, Panatella, Sonatina series - even used ones. These monitor/towers are perfect for average to small rooms. High quality components and easy to drive. Good resale value. Overall well designed speakers.