Help Me Interim Speakers Suggestions?

Health & location problems are forcing me to move from my big house with my 24' x 22' listening room to a much smaller house or condo. This will require me to part with my beloved B&W 802 with accompanying large outboard Northcreek crossovers, as the combo will take up too much space in a smaller room. Plus, I need to simplify & downsize my complex system. Most likely my new place will end up having a 16 x 14 room, or smaller, and will be either a living room or a bedroom.

I find speakers to be one of the hardest things to choose, and expect it will be some time until I find something full range yet not overly large that I will be happy with. So, I'm looking to pick up some bookshelf or floor standing speakers on Audiogon that will sound good and be easy to resell a little later.

Any suggestions? Thoughts of mine were PSB Stratus Gold Mini, Vandersteen 1C, Thiels. I like accuracy and clarity, but not coldness. I don't find my 802's cold, just accurate, and since I use tubes, I have an accurate, but slightly warm overall result. Appreciate your suggestions.

Showing 2 responses by kkursula

I would strongly suggest to check on Harbeth monitors. They are all you are looking for, you might not even go back! Good Luck!
If still own PS audio amp, i think i would consider Vandersteen 1c, as you suggested yourself.