Help Me Explain Power Cables to my Guitar Friends

Guys, I need some help!

I have suggested to some of my guitar geek buddies that they could improve the performance of their tube guitar amps by replacing the power cords. Now, I know that many here already believe in the qualities of upgraded power cords. But I can't convince my guitar buddies; they won't even try it because they say, "You need to show me some scope measuresments before I believe this 'snake oil' stuff about power cords."

Does anybody know of some way you can "measure" power cords that would "demonstrate" that they can improve performance? Help me out here!

Showing 1 response by tubes108

Hey Crazy4blues An interesting situation that you have. My suggestion when one of these musicians says that they must see scope measurements, I'd throw them a fast ball smack damb directly back at them. Ask them why the "H" do they use a TUBE based amp when a SOLID STATE amp likely measures better.

Furthermore, most well-built solid state and tube amps will measure quite well in terms of the standard measurements used to rate amplifiers. As that is the case, why would a musician 99 times out of 100 use the tube amp over the solid state amp? Hell, with the solid stater there are no tubes to fail, they cost less, etc.

As an aside, I've nerver heard of a musician with much understanding of an oscilliscope. Given that a musician wants to use a 'scope to verify that one cord cannot be better than another, I'd be very curious what specifically they wish to observe on a 'scope that provides a definitive answer.