Help Me Explain Power Cables to my Guitar Friends

Guys, I need some help!

I have suggested to some of my guitar geek buddies that they could improve the performance of their tube guitar amps by replacing the power cords. Now, I know that many here already believe in the qualities of upgraded power cords. But I can't convince my guitar buddies; they won't even try it because they say, "You need to show me some scope measuresments before I believe this 'snake oil' stuff about power cords."

Does anybody know of some way you can "measure" power cords that would "demonstrate" that they can improve performance? Help me out here!

Showing 1 response by lonelynote

I spent the better part of my ‘first life’ working in sound reinforcement and the recording sciences and can somewhat understand a musician or even sound engineers’ reluctance to sample a higher quality power cable.

Our company is beginning to expose wire technologies along with our versions of resonance control to the professional music markets and also find it more difficult to describe the benefits thereof. Even suggesting the placement of our resonance control Platforms beneath guitar amplifiers was more challenging than first getting an audiophile to listen to one.

One of the coolest results that I have experienced is the look on the face of a guitar player when he first hears and feels the results of resonance control. I believe the look would be somewhat similar when they employ a higher grade power cable as well.

There is an excellent designer/manufacturer of valve amplifiers here in the States that also has a Degree in sound and vibration along with Quantum Physics. He originally hails from Great Britain and is definitely one of the most knowledgeable persons that I have encountered in all my years of touring and including high end audio.

His name is Robert Wakeling of Palette Amplifiers.

In my honest opinion and throughout my experience listening to many a guitar amplifier, his designs are simply the finest sound I have encountered. I also know that he is currently experimenting with various power cords that are sold within our High-Fi community so you may wish to contact him as he might offer up some hands on information in order to help with your situation.

As Always - Good Listening !

Robert C. Maicks

Star Sound Technologies, LLC

1-877-668-4332 Toll Free