Help me decide: Grado Gold or AT440ML

I am about to change the needle in my Grado Gold cartridge (about $90) but I heard the AT440ML (about $90 for cartridge) might be a better tracking cartridge. I read someones comment that Grados and Shures do not tract so good on inner groves. I have an AR-XA turntable with at REGA RB300 arm. Which way should I go, buy a new needle for the Grado Gold or by a new AT440? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by chadnliz

For a few more dollars I use the AT ML150 on my Rega 300 arm and it is a super good sounding combo, I have a couple other carts.both coli and magnet from Clear Audio and Dynavector and have no reason to mess with the table.
(other catrs are Clear Audio Beta S and dyna 20L)