Help me decide between these three DACS - Bryston, Luxman, Benchmark


I have been using the DAC integrated in my Parasound P6 pre-amplifer - which uses an ESS Sabre ES9018K2M DAC chip.  I am upgrading my preamp to one that does not have a DAC in it - so I now need an outboard DAC.  I am hoping whatever I get will offer better sound quality than the DAC used in the P6.

I am trying to decide between three outboard DACS - The Bryston BDA-2, Luxman DA-250, or Benchmark DAC3.

The reason I chose these three are because 1) They are all in my price range, which must be <$3,000 out the door; 2) They have the connectivity I need - XLR outputs, at least 2 TOSLINK optical inputs, and at least 1 RCA Coax digital input (interestingly, these requirements weed out most DACS, even some highly regarded ones).

My thoughts on these three:
  • Bryston BDA-2: Pros - the Bryston brand - they have such an outstanding reputation for quality.  I'd love to own something from Bryston.  Other DACS in their lineup  - such as the BDA-3, do not have the inputs I need, plus they're out of my price range.  Con: The BDA-2 was designed about 8 years ago - which is an eternity in anything involving digital.  The AKM DAC chip in the BDA-2 could be outdated, but on the other hand, I know there is a lot more to audio quality in a DAC besides which chip is used.  I communicated with Bryston about my concern - they said the newer BDA-3 and 3.14 would sound better, but not by a large amount.  They said they kept the BDA-2 in the product lineup for people like me who need the different connectivity options it provides over their newer models.
  • Luxman DA-250 - this is priced about the same as the Bryston.  I don't know anything about the DAC chip it uses (Texas Instruments PCM1795).  I know that Luxman supposedly has a good reputation for quality, but I do not know how it stacks up against the Bryston.  A dealer that sells both the Bryston and the Luxman said he preferred the Luxman, but did not say why.
  • The Benchmark DAC3 says it has an ES9028PRO D/A converter chip.  This appears to be a slightly upgraded DAC chip from the one in the P6.  This unit is a bit cheaper than the above two.  The case looks a bit flimsy compared to the above two models, especially the Bryston, but I have not seen one in person.
As I am not totally knowledgeable on DACs, I am seeking information as to which of these three would offer the greatest improvement over the DAC in my P6.  Which of the above would you prefer, and most importantly, why?  Note that I prefer to buy new - I know I could get these used, but would prefer to buy new.

Thanks very much for any thoughts, considerations, and opinions you might have.

Showing 2 responses by yyzsantabarbara

The Luxman is a warmer sound than the Bryston and Benchmark. I liked a similar Luxman DAC when played on an all Luxman system. Luxman is supposedly coming out with new DACs soon.

The Bryston BDA-2 is supposed to be a bit warmer than the Benchmark. I like you wanted to own a Bryston so I got the BHA-1 headphone amp last week. It will be delivered tomorrow. I am thinking of adding the BDA-2 DAC to that system, though I am going to try it with just a SACD/CD player and tuner first (no DAC). It will be used mainly for headphones, though KEF LS50s will be hooked up to it for non-headphone use.

The reason I am saying that the BDA-2 is warmer than the Benchmark DAC3 is because I spoke with a few headphone owners that own both the Bryston BHA-1/BDA-2/BDA-3 and also the Benchmark HPA4/DAC3B. I am just relaying to you their feedback that the Bryston was a little warmer. It could have been the BHA-1 that made it sound warmer.

I currently have the Benchmark DAC3B in my office. I originally planned to use this as a DAC for a second system (with Bryston BHA-1). However, I liked the synergy it had with the Benchmark HPA4 preamp/headphone amp that I decided to keep those 2 together and make this my main DAC.

The thing that is special about this combo is how quiet the electronics are, I don’t think there is anything else that is as quiet. This is the best preamp and dac combo I have every owned. At one time, I also owned the Benchmark DAC3 HGC preamp/dac. It is the same DAC engine as in my current DAC3B. However, it did not sound as exceptional as my current HPA4 + DAC3B combo. I also owned the warm sounding BAT VK-42SE preamp ($7K) and tried the DAC3 HGC (in DAC only mode) on it and it was nowhere close to the HPA4 + DAC3B combo. The DAC3 HGC preamp’s volume is also not as amazing as on the HPA4 preamp’s volume so using the HGC as a preamp was not in my plans (I sold it). I also think the benefits of the DAC3 are a bit lost with a preamp that is noisier than the DAC3. So if you have a noisier preamp (99% chance you do) then the DAC3B maybe not the best choice of the 3 you selected.

The DAC3 does look kind of cheap. I paid $1560 for a new unit so I guess I was paying for the insides of the unit, not so much the outside appearance.

BTW - I was looking at prices on the BDA-2 and a few dealers are selling used or demo units for around $1100 on USAudiomart.
I just got my Bryston BHA-1 preamp/headphone amp. I hooked up the Benchmark DAC3B to it and as expected the sound was not as clear or neutral through that combo. It is a great sound, but warmer. From my perspective I think I am leaving some untapped potential of the DAC3 behind (some details). Though I can see a lot of people liking the Bryston + Benchmark combo more than then Benchmark + Benchmark combo.

Just looked at the specs and the Bryston is a much nosier preamp than the Benchmark so as expected the DAC3B’s resolution is not fully realized. But the sound still is killer.