Help me decide

I currently have a VTL2.5 pre and a VTL ST150 power amp and while I am very happy with the sound I have the typical hi fi upgrade bug and am looking for a new preamp. As I say I am happy with the sound but looking to get more of the same - more air, soundstage and bass. Currently I have 3 possible options - ARC SP17, ARC LS17SE or VTL 5.5. All are around the same vintage, give or take 2-3 years, and under $2000 used. The ARC LS17SE is the dearest, the VTL5.5 is $300 cheaper and the ARC SP17 $800 cheaper. Any thoughts from forum participants with actual knowledge of these preamplifiers. The rest of my gear:

Antipodes CX streamer

Pure Audio Lotus DAC 5

Denon/Exemplar 3910 ( John Tucker Mod ) Universal player

Sonus Faber Sonetto V speakers



If you like the sound you're getting now the 5.5 would be the obvious upgrade to your 2.5. Beyond that I have no advice not really an ARC fan but good luck.