Help me choose

I'm in the market for a 2 channel amp. I've been burned on Ebay buying used stuff before so I've been shopping for something new and I've found the two follow online bargains:

1) Parasound Halo A21 (125/channel) for $532(list $850)

2) ATI A1502 (150/channel) for $493(list$800)

My goal? I have a Denon 3805 powering 5 speakers, three of which are 4 ohms(Polk LSi 15's and LSI C). I'd like to take the strain of the LSI15's off the Denon while added more depth, bass, and soundstage while listening to 2 channel. When I heard the LSi15's demo'd in the shop there was a DRAMATIC difference between the 3805 (which sounded "nice") and a 140 RMS B&K (which sounded AWESOME).
I'd like to recreate that sound. That B&K is $900 new.

Both the ATI and the Parasound get great right ups. The ATI has more power for less money but the Parasound is a more well known and respected(true?) name.

Help me spend my money!

Showing 1 response by usblues

I would agree with above post.You can buy used here too,its a little different than ebay.....Bob