Help me choose amp for 2-channel HT

I've been using a Panasonic XA-45 AV receiver for the past 9 or 10 years in my TV system. HT only and two-channel only. No video goes through the Panasonic, just digital audio from the TiVo via Toslink and the DVD player (Oppo 95) via coax. It's worked fine, but I want to explore making a change in the interests of getting better sound. I was running Rega RS-5 speakers for quite a while but now have Revel M106, though that could change. Let's say a budget of around $1K.

I'm assuming I can get an integrated amp rather than an AV receiver, since it's only two channel. Would like sub out and headphone jack.

Should I get an analog integrated amp and let the TiVo and Oppo do the D2A conversion? How good are their built-in DACs? (I'm thinking NAD 326BEE or 356BEE, for example.)

Or should I get an integrated with DAC built in? Something from Peachtree perhaps.

If I got a new Oppo (103 probably) I could feed the TiVo's HDMI to it and let it handle all the video and audio processing, then feed the Oppo's (analog) audio out to the integrated amp or its (digital) audio out to the integrated if that has a built-in DAC.

I hope this is clear. I'm sure all of these options can work, but I have no feeling for whether there's a clear best path.

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Showing 3 responses by dbphd

Buy an Oppo 105. TiVo goes to 105 via HDMI. Use 105 as processor; it has fine DACs and video processing, so all you need in addition is an amp that you might find used from a reliable seller on Audiogon.

It's claimed the Oppo 105 has finer volume control because of its superior analog section. It works well in my setup, both for stereo and multichannel. I agree with Marty about the sub, but I'd prefer a simple amplifier to an integrated unit. The Oppo 105 is likely to be up to all the processing you need. If you have multiple analog sources, as I do, then an analog preamp is a good way to go. Analog preamp and amp technology tends to be stable, whereas processor technology is constantly developing. The Oppo 105 provides high quality processor technology at price you can afford to move up when a development comes along that you can't resist.
