Help me choose a new preamp please?

Well here I go again. After three years of relative happiness with my system I couldn't let well enough alone. I had to sell my great sounding and reliable Air Tight ATC-1 preamp just because I had it too long and was getting bored. A terrible excuse I know. Anyway, I'm now a man without a plan, looking for a preamp, used, under $2K. Tubes are preferable but not essential, a balanced input would be nice (again not a dealbreaker), I don't need remote, an integral phono stage would be a bonus, and I guess that's it. I value a moderate amount of warmth but I also crave transparency. My system as it stands now is I think fairly warm, a Cary 303/200, Cary 300B Sig monos, and Alon Lotus speakers. A few thoughts, a Cary 98P would give me system synergy, BATs and CATs are also appealing, and I'm open to all other suggestions, fire away. And as always, thanks for taking an interest.

Showing 1 response by miler

One of the best pre in its category is BVaudio P1 preamp. It has all the features, adjustable phono, remote gain and balance program options, XLRs .........and so on.
Check that one out.