Help me choose a mono cartridge

Hi all.

I just got myself a Black Friday gift. The Beatles in mono box set at a very affordable price on Amazon.

I do not have a mono cartridge but would like to get one to take the full sonic advantage of this box set. I do not have very many mono records. Approx. 50 out of a collection of 2000 lp's.
Which mono cartridge would you recommend in the $500.00-$800.00 range new or used.

My analog front end consist of:

Sota Cosmos IV with Graham Phantom II
Stereo cartridges are Ortofon A90 and Dynavector XV1's
Audio Research REF3 LE with GNSC reference mods
Audio Research REF 2 Phono (not SE version) with GNSC reference mods

Any recommendation much appreciated.
Thank You.


Showing 1 response by trytone

Hope I will enjoy mono cartridge benefits. My install is scheduled tomorrow for a Soundsmith  Carmen Dual Coil Mono cartridge. The info sheet states that it is a Nude Elliptical stylus. I would guess it is not a "true mono" cart? There appears to be a metal strap. Was hoping that it might help with older mono records but perhaps I have made another mistake?