Help me Buy an LP-12

I have had a Rega P3 w/ Elys for a couple years and Im bored to tears with its sound. Its nice and non offensive but does not excite me. It cant even begin to hang with my Meridian digital rig. So, I want an Lp-12. I dont really understand all of the upgrades and the different models. Does Sondek refer to the power supply or are all Lp-12's sondeks? What I need is an experienced LP-12 user who can help me put together a starter Lp-12 set( table, arm, power supply, cartridge etc.) That I can look for used. What are some quirks, or certain years, models I would want or to avoid etc. Any advice would be very much appreciated.

Showing 1 response by alexc

I suggest you start with a Sondek LP12 with the Basic power supply, then upgrade later to the Lingo power supply. If you are buying used, by all means try to get a Valhalla power supply on the cheap -- but the Lingo is much better. As far as "vintage", look for an LP12 that has the Cirkus upgrade (stock since, I believe, the early 90's, but many owners of older LP12's had this upgrade put on). A Trampolin is also recommended - though you can go other routes (Bright Star) to control vibration. As for arms , the new Linn Akito is pretty decent for the money (some say as good as the old, top of the line Ittok). I lived happily with this set-up for 3 years before getting the Lingo, the new Ekos arm and upgraded tonearm cable. As far as cartridges, Linn's cartridges of course work very well with their turntable/arm. I have used the K18 (good) and the Klyde (better), and I tried a Glider before the Klyde (good as well). I am sure many other cartridges will work as well or better, but if you want to keep it simple to start with the Linn cartridges are a good starting point.