Help look for second amp

Hello I an using mc275 Gordon gow amps now with vip avenger table sound smith star  Conrad Johnson Et3se se pre amp Von schweikert endeavor e3 mk2 speaker . I would like an other amp just for fun . Thanks


Showing 1 response by oddiofyl

I have been rotating equipment lately....   Just picked up a Fanfare FT1a and a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1. 
They are both filling in for a CJ pre and Magnum Dynalab tuner.   It’s definitely fun to swap stuff around 

Im awaiting a new amp and will try both preamps and will decide which goes with the new amp.  The other will comprise a man cave system

You should check out the Conrad Johnson Classic 62 ....  or if you need more power check out Quicksilver Mono 120 which are a huge bang for the buck