Help locate stolen Tom Waits song by 3rd Bass

I just read an interview with Tom Waits from '92 in which was mentioned that Waits 'took action' against rappers 3rd Bass for sampling the song "Down in the Hole" from "Bone Machine."

"They probably think I'm a real prick but I said listen, you didn't just take the boom-ching-boom, you took the whole song."

I'm interested in hearing it but can't find the title listed on any 3rd Bass recording. Does anyone have an idea how I can track down this one?


Showing 4 responses by kublakhan

shocking, i know, drubin. i've never seen the sopranos either, but at least i've heard of that one. i only just saw 'curb your enthusiasm'recently - which is pretty darn funny. i don't have a tv; i work in film. i'll check out the show next time i'm at my father's.
Thanks guys...i knew posting here would solve the problem.

Albert...i'd love to sample your walker audio/aesthetix setup some time. keep your doors locked while you're out sampling the porshe.

btw, qdrone, if you're a tom waits fan you should know (in case you didn't like me) that there's a book out called 'innocent when you dream.' it's a collection of interviews and articles and a little gold mine for devoted fans. i wouldn't recommend it for someone who wasn't a bit of a fanatic though. i'm loving it.
he mentions that he admires keith richards in several of the interviews in the book so maybe he secretly willed it so...which would be yet another mystery of life.

i've never heard of that hbo series but it's surprising that he would license the song for it.

i listened to the 3rd bass song and don't know what to think. waits is known for not being litigious (i still don't know what 'take action' means in the interview) but 3rd base used exactly 4 seconds of the music and repeated it for the entire song but put entirely new lyrics to it. thankfully run-dmc didn't get a hold of one of his songs or he would have blown a gasket on one of his old chevys.