Help - Listening fatigue

Yesterday I received a McIntosh MC 2200 amp, to compliment my C2300 preamp. I am a wishing to convert to Hi-Fi, and trying to upgrade from Mid-Fi. Prior to acquiring the MC 2200 amp, I was only using HD-800 cans with the C2300 which was utter bliss!!!

The mids and highs through my Paradigm speakers are piercing to me with this amp, I just can't stand it! I am tapping into 8 ohms with the amp. I have two sets of Paradigms to choose from, the Titan Monitor 5s and Monitor 7v5s. As a final note, I never had these speaker issues with my Mid-Fi Onkyo receiver.

Does anyone have suggestions or ideas? I realize the MC 2200 is an old SS amp, that have never been recapped. Again, with the cans the sound out of the C2300 is phenomenal even without a headphone amp. Via the amp/speakers I'm better off with the Onkyo, which is very sad to say!!!!!

Anyone want to buy an amp? ;-)

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