Help in selecting 1 of 3 amplifiers

I’ve narrowed my choices for a new integrated amplifier to 3: Peachtree Nova 125 se, Rogue Sphinx, and Wyred 4 Sound mINT. The amplifier will be paired with Kef ls50s and play mainly digital files either from an Onix XCD-88, or an SMSL Sanskrit external DAC (won’t use the external if I get the Wyred or the Peachtree). What are your thought on choosing one? I can’t audition any of the amps where I live so I’ll be buying it blind, umm unheard?

the room is on the larger side since it’s a combined living room and kitchen 15’x25’. The speakers will be in a built in wall unit. Acoustically the room is pretty good, even our Samsung tv sounds darn good, so I’m not worried about the ls50s being unable to fill The room. I’m trying to keep the cost down so I’ll be picking it up used, if Zi can find one. Help me pick the winner!
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I've paired the kef ls50 with a yamaha a s1000 integrated and love the sound. The Yamaha is built like a tank and drives the kef's nicely and can be had for around 1000. Strictly old school.
What is your budget? For my money you can't get a better DAC at ANY price than the PS Audio DirectStream DAC. Sublime. Converts digital to DSD which simulates analog on an oscilloscope. Go to their website and check out the reviews, videos, etc. I run Nordost Heimdall 2 balanced cables out from the DAC to a Krell Foundstion and it's pretty sensational....and reliable.  

I suggested the wireless active LS50.
Then you at the mercy of class-D amps, like em or hate them.
The tweeter is Class AB powered and the woofer is Class D powered. 
The LS50 active has a 12 month warranty...a lot can go wrong with active stuff crammed in a tiny spot.