Help in putting together my system with used equipment on Audiogon and eBay.

I’m looking for the best bang for the buck. What equipment can I find that would make the best system for my budget ($8000)? I'm starting out with:

Pass Labs X1 Preamp, my rock to start with. I got it for $2500 This is where you can help me the most. Let me know your best match for this pre-amp, or the ones you have found to be the best you have heard!

Bryston 4B SST amp for about $1700. It’s been my experience that more power wakes up a speaker and pins it’s ears back. At 300wpc and the reviews on this amp I picked it, but just to start. I really need some experienced people to give me recommendations for the amp, or if the Bryston is a winner. I can sell this for a better amp.

Do I need a DAC?

Phono. I’ve realized that might be a big reason why people go to separates isn’t it? I’d like to hear some comments on this. If you have separates and no phono, what do you use? Stream music? CD’s?

CD player? I do have a lot of CD’s. With separates, it’s either phono, cd, or streaming correct?

I’m not really a phono guy, but I know which albums I would buy so it is an option. I wouldn’t know a good phono if you hit me with it. Please recommend a few.

I’m leaning toward B&W speakers just because of their reputation. I may spend up to 5k on a good pair of speakers, but I want them to be used and costing much more when bought new. I know how to spot a good deal and not buy speakers on their death bed (from reputable sellers), but I need your recommendations too. You all have heard more speakers than I ever have and will.

**I’m going to check this post often and answer any questions and write down your recommendations.
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Showing 2 responses by geof3

Wow, this forum is nuts... but whatever. At some point you've got to dive in. Get solid basics, whether separates or integrated. These days, a good integrated can be as good, if not better, than some separates combos. Either way, start there and make sure your preamp has all the inputs you might want to grow into. If you aren't into vinyl yet, don't spend the money. That's an easy add later when the desire and budget allows. Regarding tweaks? Those can wait as well. Gotta start with a solid foundation and build. Tweaks can be, and are, a slippery slope. YMMV. Picking speakers is tough too, and as mentioned, if you have access to a good shop see if you can demo some in your price range. Speakers can be very personal. One's fatigue is another's nirvana. Have some fun with it, that's the key.
It’s both. You can have a 2 channel preamp running into a 5 channel amp. But you still only have 2 channels of sound. That is assuming analog out and in. If you have digital out, and your preamp has a surround processor, then that would work, depending on the amp. If you were to buy a 5 channel amp, your Pass preamp would only put out a stereo signal in 2 channels of the 5. Generally, for full compatibility both have 5 separate channels. If you want to go the surround route, seriously consider integrated. That’s a whole lot of cabling to deal with, and you could spend half of your budget on cables alone (don’t have to, but could... easily)
Something to consider in your process, the Parasound A21 amp is a serious bang for the buck, and would play nice with your Pass pre. Saves $$$ for speakers. Best Buy has the Magnolia wing, which is their “hi-end” side of things. They should have some good selections to try. They have a very liberal return policy as well if you find something you like in the store. Keep in mind, your room/house will be completely different so take that into account. Ultimately pick what you like, you are the one that will be listening.