Help Graham 2.2 Arm lift

The arm lift of my Graham 2,2 tonearm no longer lifts the arm adequately above the record surface. I have tried to find a hexkey for the arm but to no avail. The tools with the arm do not appear to be the correct size, too small or too big. Also, if this loss of lift is the result of a loss of oil, how should I replenish it?

The arm was purchased new with my Teres TT and has not seen any abuse due to shipping or handling issues.


Showing 2 responses by cardiackid

Thank you all. The hex key was smaller than my smallest 1/16" and the hardware stores didn't have it alone or in sets. I actually had a couple hex keys much smaller in my kit.

Now that I know what size I am looking for, I will be able to get one at least on order. SAE 0.050 is the smallest conventional size I believe.

FYI, I failed at home depot, radio shack and True hardware, but the hardware store will order it for me.

Thanks to all again.

Thank you all very much. Key purchased and adjustments made. Good listening to all, especially cornfedboy. That was the key info 0.050 SAE.