Help! Forte, Linn, Magnepan. NOT RIGHT?

Looking for suggestions on how to get better sound from my gear. System: Linn LP12 valhalla, Itok, K9 Marantz CD 67SE Interconnects between CD and pre are DIY CAT 5. Forte F44 line leve preamp (long interconnect to power - 20ft) Forte Model 7 mono blocks (75 watts class A) Magnepan Tympani 1D (refurbished by Maganepan) I have modified these to look like the 4a with oak and also separated the tweeter panels. I have also removed the crossovers and made external boxes for them. Problems: 1.) Sound is fatiguing. Can't play Rock at all(not enough deep bass). Jazz sounds pretty good. Voices are a bit harsh. Overall I’m just not satisfied. 2.) Currently have no phono preamp. Any suggestions for under $300? Anyone heard the Forte FP-1? 3.) When I was running the TT, my CD sounded better (go figure). Is the Linn K9 crap? TT is lacking detail and punch. I have had it set up professionally by a Linn dealer in Chicago and shipped back to me in VA. Can a Linn be shipped and still expected to keep its setup? 4.) What can I do with the stock crossover of the Tympani's? Keep in mind I have removed them and have plenty of space to do whatever is necessary to make them right. 5.) Subwoofer? should I? 6.) Knowing the above info… where would you concentrate your efforts first? I am on a budget, please keep suggestions low $ (1k or less). Any help would be great. Thanks.

Showing 5 responses by smknezf9bd

Thanks all... I have tried other amps. Audio Research D-350 (YUK)! Hafler DH200 (not bad for the price, but dull). B&K Sonata 200 watt a/b monoblocks (I prefer the Forte to them). What else should I try, 1k or less used?
Does everyone believe my amp/speaker combo is hopeless? I actually achieve nice listening levels with the Forte Model 7s, I don’t have to turn them all the way up. How can I be sure that clipping is my issue? I don’t notice any additonal degradation of sound as I turn it up. Thoughts?
Well Unsound, you may have the best advice of all, make an offer. Retail was ~$2,700.
Brian, I know Chirs Berry from way back, I went to WMU in the 79-83, and he worked at the "Sound Room". He left Kalamazoo and went to "Linn Hi-Fi" in Chicago (he did all my LP12 setup). They changed the name but it still the same store. In fact I talked to him recently about the Forte gear. I keep in touch with him because he seems to like the same kind of things I do in a music system. Any rate, small world! Thanks for the experience All.. I will keep looking for the "perfect" combo. I think a DAC may hit the spot Rock, I'll give that a try. Thanks everyone.
Futterman, always love to hear of people trying to get these beasts running. When I first heard these back in the late 70's I knew I had to have a pair. Bought mine used about 10 years ago and have been fighting them ever since. Call me a masochist, but I’m going to make these T1Ds work if it kills me. Strange thing is, I owned a pair of IIB’s prior to the Tymps and I can’t seem to get these to sound as good as they did. I have considered the bi-amping aspect of these speakers and was actually wondering if adding another set of Forte Model 7s would do the trick. What kind luck have you had in the biamping department? Have you made any crossover changes or are you still running yours stock?