I went for the SLI-80 Signature. I am in love.
Help finding my way with amps...
Hello all,
I would like to thank this community for being such great resource. I have a question to ask but I have to apologize for it being so general. To preface the question I have to fill in some details. I am a relatively new audiophile. I like speakers - monitors in particular. I like to buy a set, keep them for a few months and then move on to something else. If I really like them, I keep them and still move on to try a new set. So, I have a few speakers now - Harbeth SHL5, B&W N805, Focal Utopia Micro BE, Magnepan 1.6 and PSB Imagine B. I love all of these.
I have an Outlaw receiver and an Exposure 2010S2. I like both of these but I am looking for another amp, maybe two. My goal is to have 3-4 amps that cover the bases of amplification so that I can indulge in mixing-and-matching amps and speakers.
I'm looking for something in SS and something in tube. Chinese or handmade in England it doesn't matter - I'm just looking for solid amps that do a great job.
ome amps that have caught my eye:
Pass Labs X350.5
Sim Audio W-5
Ming Da MC34AB
Luxman L-505u
Cary SLI-80
Leben CS 300
My goal is to get a few amps but it is important that they are different enough that I will enjoy the compare/contrast experience when I hook up the different speakers. My budget is up to $4K used for each amp.
I would like to thank this community for being such great resource. I have a question to ask but I have to apologize for it being so general. To preface the question I have to fill in some details. I am a relatively new audiophile. I like speakers - monitors in particular. I like to buy a set, keep them for a few months and then move on to something else. If I really like them, I keep them and still move on to try a new set. So, I have a few speakers now - Harbeth SHL5, B&W N805, Focal Utopia Micro BE, Magnepan 1.6 and PSB Imagine B. I love all of these.
I have an Outlaw receiver and an Exposure 2010S2. I like both of these but I am looking for another amp, maybe two. My goal is to have 3-4 amps that cover the bases of amplification so that I can indulge in mixing-and-matching amps and speakers.
I'm looking for something in SS and something in tube. Chinese or handmade in England it doesn't matter - I'm just looking for solid amps that do a great job.
ome amps that have caught my eye:
Pass Labs X350.5
Sim Audio W-5
Ming Da MC34AB
Luxman L-505u
Cary SLI-80
Leben CS 300
My goal is to get a few amps but it is important that they are different enough that I will enjoy the compare/contrast experience when I hook up the different speakers. My budget is up to $4K used for each amp.