Help educate Analogue rookie

I have my main system CD based and while I am happy with the system. I woud like to get in to analouge to find out what the fuss is all about. I have audiioned (not recently) analogue sound once or twice and the memory of sound is distinct- Very realistic, immediate and warm sound. I don't remember background noise or clicking/skipping sound/s.

What are the main differences between CD and analogue sound?
Is background noise will always be present?

What are the makes you recommend that would NOT have any background noise? I could spend up to $2000-$2500 for turntable, tone arm and cartridge combo.

These questions may sound silly to you, but I absolutely want to know if background noise/s, clicks sounds are myth or a analogue reality.


Showing 1 response by davt

I really like the sound of my turntable and now use it about 50% since upgrading to an Arcam FMJ33 CD player. The soundstage with my vinyl has a bit more depth, and is a little more expansive. The individual notes also seem to have more depth and with my vinyl system it is a little easier to get lost in the music. I do however love my digital system I now have, Arcam plus Hydra 4. For me the biggest reason to have both is that there is a great deal of music that is not, nor will it ever be on CD. It greatly expands my music library. I do admit however that on certain recordings, Neil Young, "Greatest Hit", Starker Bach Cello Suites, I have both CD and LP and when I sit down to a dedicated listening session I will usually play an LP. With a good digital system I am very happy, but when I play vinyl I am in awe. I also don't really have any problems with a lot of noise. Many people who come to visit I surprised how quiet my albums are. I do use a RCM.

As for turntables, I bought a used VPI HW19Jr with AQ PT6 and put on a new Dynavector 10X5. Nice easy system with not a whole lot of cash outlay. If I was going new I might look at the VPI scout. I may be upgrading in a year or two and am looking at the Nottingham Spacedeck, I heard one recently and fell in love. But most importantly would be to get the assistance of a good shop that know turntables well.