Help: Devore O/96 Integrated Amp + DAC suggestion

Hello Devore O/96 owners.

I was very fortunate to be able to purchase a set of O/96s earlier this year, and I'm trying to build out the rest of my system to truly complement these speakers the way they deserve.  I've read many of the posts and reviews across the standard sites and forums, and, while I've found some great information, I could really use some custom opinions based on your experience.  I greatly appreciate any and all thoughts, and my apologies for the long winded setup, but I want to be as specific as possible

I'm all digital via Tidal and FLAC through Audirvana+, and my system currently consists of an Audio Note Oto SE Signature with an Arcam IRDAC and Zu Audio Mission MK1 cables throughout.  My room is approximately 14x22ft. with 12ft. ceilings.

When I'd originally heard the O's in the store, they were driven by a Nagra Classic w/ Nagra DAC.  The sound was literally the most engaging thing I've ever heard...It was electric, punch-you-in-the-gut amazing and had warmth and depth into the music.  The drum reproduction and snap alone had me, and, while I had no intention of spending that much on speakers, after hearing them, I couldn't not buy them.

Bringing them home, I'd originally paired them with a Naim Nait 5i as a holdover from my original Neat Acoustics system, and it was a poor fit.  The sound was incredibly flat...It felt as though the musicians could not have been further away from my listening room.  After reading Rafe's review in Part-Time Audiophile and his thoughts on the AN OTO SE as a match, the fates aligned and I received an incredible deal on a used Signature version.  After plugging into the system, the sound instantly became more engaging.  A richness is present in both the voices and the strings that was missing, and I would say there is definitely more in the way of dynamics.  That said, I feel like (1) I'm still missing significant drum dynamics/snap, (2) when volume increases to approx noon, the sound almost flattens (pushing a 10 w amp too far?), and (3) in complex pieces - orchestral and rock, there is a bit of muddling.

I have a $5k budget for tweaking/replacing, and I'm a huge proponent of used components.  Ideally, with consideration for both space and the budget, I'd like to stay with an integrated amp.  My targeted questions would be:

(1) Is the AN OTO SE Sig sufficient and the DAC the culprit, and, if so, which DAC makes the most sense to achieve what I'm looking for.  Would a AN 3.1, Lampizator, or Border Patrol be the "final" piece? 

(2) While I like the AN, would I be better off replacing both the amp and DAC, and what would marry well? LM 518ia or 508ia/Leben/Shindo Appetite, etc. with one of the above? (several articles on amps with O/96, but none I've seen on amp + dac synergy)

Unfortunately, while Chicago has a tremendous amount of great shops, there's nowhere to listen to any of the aforementioned brands, so I'm heavily reliant on outside opinion.

Again, thank you for taking the time to read this and for your thoughts and consideration.  


Showing 6 responses by charles1dad

Hi Walter,
The significant aspect regarding the Atlantic is it utilizes some key  features of the esteemed Golden Gate DAC (such as directly heated tubes and copper foil capacitors) and also used the power supply of the Lite 7 DAC. The Atlantic was a major shift upwards from the very good Lampizator 4,5 and 6 series. The Atlantic resides in a higher tier.

In terms of amplifiers certainly increased power has some advantages depending on the specific circumstances. The AN OTOSignature in terms of sound quality won’t be easy to exceed. It’s a time honored design pure class A  and utilizes the excellent AN double C core output transformers. I understand why Wallace is so impressed with its sound. 
From all indications that I’m aware of the Lampizator Atlantic SE  is a definite step up from your well regarded Lampy 4 GEN 4 model.Given your current satisfaction (amplifier and speakers) I believe the Atlantic SE would be a very reasonable and wise upgrade with excellent bang for the buck if obtained used.
Lampy 4 Gen4 + ARC REF 75 SE
Atlantic SE+Audio Note OTO amp.
Two very good choices 😊. Based on your update comments I'd probably choose the latter.
Good luck, 
Hello Wallace,
Thanks for taking the time to post an update on your outcome. I’m happy for your very successful results. So it wasn’t the 10 watt amplifier as the limiting factor, good news. I strongly suspect that the Lampizator DAC has a much more stout power supply and higher quality analogue output stage than the Arcam unit. Also the Lampizator may have a higher output voltage as well. I had hoped you could keep the + attributes of the OTO.  Well you certainly did and then some😊.

I’ve learned through direct experience that the quality of a component’s power supply is critical for better sound quality (better capacitors, improved filtration, bigger/better power transformer etc.). Your outcome is quite significant and I’m convinced that the power supply of the Lampy DAC played a crucial role. I know that you were happy with the 10 watt OTO for the most part. Now you’ve added the missing dynamic snap and punch.
Again I’m very happy for you and congratulations.
I agree with fsonicsmith and David regarding proper speaker break-in, placement and cable comparability. I just believe that amplifier and speaker matching is both fundamental and foundational. You have to establish what type of sound you are seeking.

With this speaker you'll hear that the Bryston will differ from Pass Labs and Leben will differ from the Line Magnetic. Each and every amplifier brings along its innate sonic signature. Determine which signature you find most acceptable. They all have distinct colorations.
If you go the non tube route I'd look into the Pass Labs XA 25 (Very simple high quality circuit pure class A). Very likely an exceptionally natural sounding transistor amplifier. 

The Lyngdorf mentioned above by Kenny is a one box DAC, preamplifier and amplifier and includes room correction. I've been told by 2 listeners that it was okay sounding but others have told me it's superb (I haven't heard it) but certainly worth exploring in my opinion. 
Hi Wallace,
The AN OTO is a very good quality amplifier but it’s possible that the 10 watts may not be enough with this speaker for every conceivable genre and listening situation. I agree with those who suggest Leben push pull tube amplifiers. I strongly recommend that you consider the terrific Line Magnetic 508ia that uses the 805 tube in SET. It provides 48 watt of genuine class A power . This will yield beautiful and natural music reproduction in your home. If possible, compare the LM 508ia with the Parasound and determine which suits your particular preference more closely. These are two very different sounding amplifiers.

I think this amplifier with your speakers wound make an excellent sounding match. I personally don’t believe that you’ll achieve this level of sound quality with the Parasound (or similar type amplifier) suggested above. This is just my observation given your satisfaction with the OTO sound quality (although lower power).

I would also suggest that the AN 3.1 DAC, Border Patrol DAC or say the SWIX DAC will be very noticeable upgrades in sound quality vs your current DAC.
Best of luck,