Help choosing an power amplifier

Hello everybody

I starting my journey last fall, so far Ive been loving it, I need some suggestions on what power amplifier to get, to get the best out of the speakers that I have right now and maybe upgrade in the future, I was thinking on buying the emotiva 2 Channel amplifier but im not sure if that’s the best way to go any suggestions will be great.

my set up right now
Audio technica AT-LP120-USB
b&w 606 s2
emotiva integrated amplifier basx A300
Cambridge audio cxn v2
I’m using Qbouz with Roon thru a MacBook Pro I am streaming over Ethernet.
Thank you for all the help beforehand

So, it looks like you have an Emotiva TA 100 integrated right now. In your original post I also see something about the emotiva basx A300 stereo amplifier. I’m not sure if you are currently running the A300 with your integrated or if you are interested in adding an A300 or similar stereo amp but I might make another suggestion. How about a higher quality, more powerful integrated?

The Parasound hint 6 ($2995) is a well regarded option and Safe and Sound usually has open box units around $2549. At 240 watts x2 @ 4ohms it would see you through the next couple speaker upgrades.

If that’s too expensive the Outlaw Audio RR2160MKII for $999 is a really solid option with 165 watts at 4 ohms.

I am also a fan of the Yamaha integrated amplifiers and they have cost options at about any pricepoint. Hifiheaven is a Yamaha dealer and they have treated me pretty well regarding the trade in program if you have some gear you want to put towards the upgrade.

All these options have built in DACs as well so I don’t think you would be losing anything connectivity wise. On a side note I started with Emotiva gear as well and I have nothing against them. The low price points are great for getting people into the hobby. Good luck with the rig. Looks like a nice set up so far from your system page.
You did not signify what your budget is and this is an off topic recommendation. Have you considered buying a dedicated streamer. The right streamer might give you a big sonic lift getting away from a noisy computer source. 
thank everybody for the good insights I really appreciate all the help

@tuberist I do have a dedicated streamer is a Cambridge audio cxn v2. Right now I am using the MacBook Pro as a Roon core, thinking on “upgrading” in the fire to a intel nuc with Roon rock.

@guy-incognito  thank yes you are right right now I am driving the speakers with the emotiva ta 100o had it for about 4 months, I was thinking of adding the amplifier A300 but I am not sure that I want to do that, I do would like a higher quality and more power. I will defenderlo look I. To your suggestions. If you have any more more advice I would love to hear it thanks 
It really just comes down to your budget and how far you plan to take things. If you are trying to buy new and keep it under $500, adding the current model emotiva basx a2 might be the right way to go.

If your budget is larger though, trading in the Emotiva integrated towards something else might be the ticket.  That would certainly be the option I would explore before dropping $1100 on an Emotiva XPA 2 (for example).