HELP...Bubble Wrap Marks in PIANO BLACK Speakers??

I just purchased a pair of Piano Black speakers here on Audiogon. I received them today (9/12/06) nicely packed and carefully wrapped with bubble wrap. As I unpacked & unraveled the bubble wrap from each speaker, I noticed the bubble wrap left round shaped dot marks on the Piano Black finish of each speaker. It is not something that can be felt with the finger, so I thought it would wash off easily.

I tried cleaning with water, Windex & Orange BLAST Auto/Shop degreaser. Nothing worked. Then I tried Liquid Glass auto polish and Zymol cleaner wax. Still, I can't remove the bubble wrap markings. I even tried 70% rubbing alcohol in a tiny back corner. That did not work either.

I'm getting a bit nervous now, since these speakers were stored several months in this wrapping and they're all covered with the marks like leopard spots. I don't know if the marks will come out now, or how the Seller will respond to this. He is aware of the marks, but not that I can't get them out. I'd really like to remove the marks and to keep the speakers. Does anyone have suggestions for a cleaner for this?

Showing 2 responses by bigbucks5

This may be of no relevance, but...

My Verdier Platine TT is piano black, and when I had the armboard drilled, we used a paper towel wrapped around the armboard to protect it while we were using a vise and drill press.

Soon as we removed the armboard, we noticed that there were marks on the armboard corresponding to the small bumps on the paper towel. These could not be felt or polished out, but the next day they were all gone. It seems the piano finish as used on the Verdier table tends to absorb moisture from items contacting it, and given a chance to air dry, the moisture evaporated from the finish.

You might want to carefully try a hair drier on low heat to see if it has any effect.

Hope this is your problem.
Give the low heat hair drier a shot...just for a minute or so. It can't be baked on any worse than it is already.