Help Any Krell KRC Owners


Am considering getting a second hand Krell KRC preamp for around $2,200.

Have tested it and it seems OK. The only thing is the mute button doesn't work on the tape input/output. I still make mixed tapes and will use the tape input/output. The current owner has never used it and doesn't remember if the mute button is actually meant to mute the tape loop which is located separately from other inputs.

Does any KRC owner past or present know this?

Help much appreciated.


I have never heard of any mute button that mutes the tape out. You would not want it to. It should only work like you have turned the volumne down.
Hi Rwwear

What I meant was the mute button does not turn the volume off at all. With mute in place, the signal still goes through to the speakers and the sound still comes out as if the mute button was not engaged at all.

Only turning the volume control to zero leads to no sound from the speakers.

Does this mean the mute button doesn't work or it was not meant to mute the tape input at all and only turning the volume down using the volume control can do so.

For 2200 you should be getting the KRC-HR, not just the KRC. I had the later but can't remember if the mute button muted the tape...I think just the volume. Very dynamic, open, revealing soundstage. Make sure your other equipment is of equal quality or the Krell will crucify it.
For 2200 you should be getting the KRC-HR, not just the KRC. I had the later but can't remember if the mute button muted the tape...I think just the volume. Very dynamic, open, revealing soundstage. Make sure your other equipment is of equal quality or the Krell will crucify it.
Hi Audionut

Thanks for your reply. You mean from what you remember, the mute doesn't work on the tape but you need to turn the volume control off to mute the tape. Is that correct?

Also, what are the sonic differences between the KRC and the KRC-HR?


The mute should mute the sound to your speakers but not affect the tape outs (record). The main difference between the HR and the regular version is the volume control has been replaced with a much better digital controller. HR stands for High Resolution.
Hi Rwwear

When I am recording from the CD source, the mute does mute the sound to my speakers but not the output to the tape out ie. the tape deck still shows that it is receivning the signal.

HOWEVER, when I am just using tape playback, the mute doesn't mute the sound to my speakers. Only turning the volume control down to zero does.

Does that mean the mute is not working properly?

Sorry if I did not make myself clear earlier.


I am not certain. It may be designed to work that way. I will ask a friend of mine that works for Krell.

Near last calls on this help message needed.

I have to make a decision soon as the current oner has received another offer.

So any Krell KRC owners or people in the know... Help...


If I were you, I would hold out for an HR. It is much improved. You should be able to get one for around the same price and Krell no longer does updates to the KRC. I called my friend from Kell yesterday and he was out.
Thanks for your response Rwwear.

I hope you will be able to follow through with your friend on this.

Based on your feedback, I was able to get the price reduced to $1700 which I thought was a good deal. So I am still interested in getting the KRC preamp.

Look forward to hearing from you after you have spoken to your friend.


My friend has been out of town. He emailed me today and I am emailing him back tonight I should get a response tomorrow.
I talked to my friend and he said that it was normal for the mute not to work through the tape loop. So, it appears that nothing is wrong with the unit. I hope this helps.
Hi Rwwear

Thanks for your help. I think I will get the unit. You seem to prefer the HR version which you say is available for around $2,200.

I guess this is a value judgement as I haven't heard the HR. How much and it what ways is it better? Would that be worth the extra $500?

I am only going on what I was told by my friend at Krell. He claims that the HR has better resolution. It would be worth it to me if I had the money. If not, the KRC is still a fine preamp that has all of the features of the HR.