Help adding Vcaps to Jolida JD100 CD player


I've soldered and done basic stuff like that, and have a basic understanding of electronics. What I would like to do is to add V-caps to a Jolida JD100 CD player. What would I need to buy, and what would I need to remove/add to do this modification? If someone could post instructions, it would help me, and probably others with this excellent CD player! Thanks.

- Tony

Showing 1 response by kehut

Hi Tony,

I would very much agree with Milind here...I have compared the Level 1 and 2 Parts Conn Mod side by side with the stock player. Your gaining a little more dynamics with the mod 1 but loosing a fair amount of midrange bloom and texture that makes the stock player so good. With the Level 2 it really makes the player sound more SS in nature, but gives fantastic dynamics on par with some of the really hi end players. You will definately loose the magic mids though.This will be your call suited to taste, so you definately want to hear it before you mod if poss. The addition of V caps only will change your sound for sure. so its up to you.

I would suggest the tube change that you emailed me about( Ei Yogo Gray Plate ECC-83..(.NOT the Elites or non- gray plate tubes)) and a power cord upgrade to something like a Electraglide Mini Khan Plus or Ultra Khan Rev Statement if you can swing it. Good luck! Ken