Help !

I am elderly and live in a small condo .The 1500 CD's I have are pushing me out of house and home.It's to the point where either they go or I do , I prefer me .
I need to know the easiest and least expensive way I could just burn them and toss them.If there is one . Sounds need only be decent , I far prefer LP's anyway .Thanks !

Showing 1 response by skyscraper

Schubert, after burning copies please send me a general list of what you have to dispose of and what you'd like to get for them. It'd be a shame to dispose of those treasures or give them away with no recompense. I buy CD's still, and am fortunate enough to have space to keep them. I'd love to have more Classical music to add to my mostly rock and roll and jazz collection even though I'm pushing seventy myself.  
