Hegel Mohican vs. Bryston BCD-3

If anyone were looking for a single-box CD-player that qualified as a get-off-the-roundabout component, it seems to me that these two models would be high on their shortlist.  So my question is:

Has anybody been able to hear these two models side by side?


Showing 1 response by randyhat

My iPad is no more a "distraction" in my listening room than is one of my other remote controls.  I use it to select music, then I set it down.  Having access to my entire digital library and the Tidal library via my tablet has transformed my listening experience.  Having said that, I also own the Bryston BCD-3.  It is an excellent red book player.  Despite the convenience and sound quality of streaming, I am not ready to give up my CD player.  I also have a turntable and still enjoy playing records.  I enjoy the choices I have and see no need to draw a line in the sand and start proclaiming what I will and will not allow in my listening room.