Hegel Mohican & Bryston BCD3

I have compared Bryston & Hegel top cd players.
While they are both excellent,the winner*to me* was Hegel.
What was most different is I was able to listen deep inside the music with no fatigue.
The Mohican seems to have the essence or soul of music like Vinyl.
BCD3 was very enjoyable and satisfying but still felt listening to CD.
I only possessed this player for a week and it may have "crossed over" at some point to the natural flowing music of the Mohican.
Bryston background hue was neutral as was the presentation/
Mohican backrgound seems a bit warmer and not as neutral as bryston.
But after a brief period Mohican natural sounding instruments & bass are a revelation.
Nothing stands out or tries to be Impressive-
Musical timing & authentic instruments without digital artifacts.
The only other CD player I would compare it to (that I know) is
Linn Ikemi,which is much older now.but gave a similar experience.
Bryston BCD3 & Hegal Mohican are tour de force cd players.



Showing 3 responses by richmon

recently bought a Mohican, and looking forward to comparing it to my VPI prime with Audio Technica Art9 cartridge.

Initial impressions are really good but awaiting a pre-amp repair to fully compare the two.
@jafant .. really like everything but Opera, hard core country and rap.

Heavy into Progressive Rock, 70's classic rock, Jazz and Jazz fusion, and some folk like Fairport Convention, Pentangle etc. Only listen to classical on my Bose Wave radio, rarely on the big rig.

@jafant -- I purchased a factory reconditioned but new Mohician (had been returned for some reason) for $3,700 my thinking was my 20+ YO Musical Fidelity A5 player wouldn't outlive me so wanted to get something that would outlast me while you can still find CD players. Honda no longer puts or makes available CD players for their cars so that started thinking about the future proofing.

Running a VPI Prime with AudioTechnica ART9 cartridge feeding a Supratek Chenin pre, Hegel H20 amp and Magico A3 speakers. 

Phono cable is Morrow PH7, Speaker Cables Morrow SP5, pre to-amp interconnect is VH audio forget the model. Power cords VH Audio another one I've forgotten the model bought so long ago.

Most connections treated with PPT contact enhancer, and all components have Alpha E mat on them. Circuit breaker box also has a mat and dedicated outlet for the stereo. 

Supposed to have my PreAmp back next week so hopefully I can report back my Mohician listening impressions in the near future.