Hegel H360 or H590 or Constellation Inspiration Integrated 1.0 for Magico A3

I recently heard the Magico A3s and really liked them. The dealer said they are often combined with the Constellation Inspiration Integrated 1.0 at shows. After a lot of searching on Google, I can't find any pictures or reference to this combination. However, I did find a number of references to the A3s being combined with Hegel amps, including by Alon Wolf who said it would be a very good combination and led the author of the article to speculate that the A3s may have been "voiced" by Magici using the Hegel H360. I have not yet been able to listen to the A3s with either the Hegel H360 or H590 or the Constellation amp. I would be interested in everyone's thoughts as to the best integrated amplifier for the A3s for $13,500 (the price of the Constellation amp) or less.

Showing 6 responses by soix

The PA3000HV available here now for $10,995 includes full factory warranty according to the ad. 
@melbguyone -- Fair points, but the RI-101 is well over the OP's budget and is $7000 more than the PA3000HV demo available here.  But the biggest factor is the OP actually heard the speakers with a PA3100HV (yes, not the same exact model, but they very likely still share an overall very similar sonic signature) and liked the pairing a lot for his particular tastes.  And as we all know here, being able to hear components in person versus buying blind and hoping is a huge thing.  

@audiotroy interesting re: Irv Gross. 

@iar  if you can go hear a demo of the Lyngdorf gear with any speakers anywhere, I'd urge you to go do so.  If you haven't already heard the benefits of well-executed room correction I promise you it will be a revelation.  And this from a long-term and jaded purist audiophile. 

The one I was talking about is available on this site now.  It's an internal company demo model, which is why it comes with full warranty although it's technically used.  MSRP is listed at $18k.  Doubt the differences between this model and the new one are night and day. 

Given your tastes I'd also mention the Lyngdorf TDAI-3400 ($6500 new).  Don't know what your other equipment is, but this unit also includes a DAC and very sophisticated room correction.  Very neutral and transparent without added warmth, and the room correction is huge and may very well trump performance differences between other even more expensive integrateds.  But that gets into personal preferences.  If you can you should go hear or try to demo one at home.  In any event, best of luck in whatever you decide. 

Well, there's a T+A PA3000HV available here now with full factory warranty for $10,995.  

There is no "best."  Best is relative to your tastes, music, system, and room.  I'd think the A3 is a fairly neutral sounding speaker, so you need to pick an integrated that is aligned with your situation and sonic preferences.  If you share your preferences and what aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you, you'll get much better and more meaningful recommendations here.