Hegel h300 or Modwrkw200 or Music Fidelity M6500i

Hello there, the equipment I have right now is oppo 105 connected to my vintage Technics Su- G95 integrated amp/receiver,speakers I have Technics SB-A55,also I have HSU-VTF 15H Sub.i have researched a lot and finally reached to buy a integrated amp one of the following, Hegel H300 or Music Fidelity m6500i and Modwright KWI 200.so what amp should I buy,will really appreciate suggestions.will be waiting for some advises.
Likewise rang..don't find either issue w/kwi 200.If anything the adagios need a little meat on there bones...
01-03-15: Digsmithd
Talk to burt goodman at seattle hifi...he sells both the hegel and modwright...good honest fella...he'll help ya.
Good advice.
I concur about Burt at Seattle HiFi, great guy to deal with. That's where I got my Modwright.
Am surprised re the comment about the Modwright being bright, I don't find that at all. My main issue is it's bass heavy which is why I'm seriously considering switching to the Hegel (which someone else here says he found bass heavy too....yikes)
Talk to burt goodman at seattle hifi...he sells both the hegel and modwright...good honest fella...he'll help ya.
The Hegel H300 - I owned the Musical Fidelity, and got on the Hegel Route..after listening to the H300 - i only sold it because i want to upgrade to their Power amp H30, Hegels are very neutral, but very musical at the same time.

I must had the H300 little over a year.

The Musical Fidelity, was great too but a tad bit analytical and bright on some recordings, wasn't so stable as the Hegel, but not a bad amp at all.

The Modwright is slightly forward sounding, if you like your music on the brighter side.
I also have the modwright kwi 200...slammin w/the adagios...I am very content with it...I just recently did an extended burnin of the adagios...wow...the amp sounds amazing paired.
How can you add a LS-100 pre to the KWI since I can’t see a “main in” set of plugs?
How can you add a LS-100 pre to the KWI since I can’t see a “main in” set of plugs?
Mfa 6 500i, with low sensitivity speakers. It's a British amp ,harbeths and the like will be a good synergy.

Right now I have Wywires (Blue) between the KWI-200 and the LS-100, and Signal Cables (Silver) for source and speakers wires. The speakers are from Selah.
I agree with Maxboy00. The KWI200 is a very solid IA with loads of power. Give it an audition.

Maxboy00-what type of cables do you run on yours? Thanks
Had not heard the Hegel, had the MF M6 500I, excellent amp but I did not like it in my system and got rid of it. I now have the MW KWI-200, for a few years now, it is just a fantastic IA, it seems to do a lot of things right, plenty of power and head room and is able to drive mine 84dB speakers w/o breaking a sweat. If you add a MW LS-100 PA it is even better sounding, for me its a keeper. Good luck in your search.