Hegel H30 or Bryston 7B3 monos

Looking for system synergy and absolute control of my Magico S5 Mk1. Currently using a Vinnie Rossi Lio Preamp (avc tubestage) and Levinson 512 cd/Sacd player.  The S5 seem to enjoy power and I want 3d sound with depth, wide soundstage and detail.  Currently have Levinson 436 monoblocks that are very good-clean sound, but I bought it when I was using a Levinson 326s preamp which I no longer have and I lost some of the magic they had together.  I like my Vinnie Rossi and have no plans of changing preamps.  I know Hegel is used at audio shows with Magicos and Hegel uses Magicos in their listening room, but I prefer Monoblocks and the Brystons are less expensive at this time (and Canadian made, and 20 warranty, and 600w each).  If I go the Hegel route I would have to buy one H30 now (use as stereo) and then save for a second H30.  Any help?

Showing 8 responses by firefightingrob

Thanks Jafant, I am VERY happy with the 512.  It is the piece I continue to build around.  The 436 are excellent as well, but they are getting a little older and I am curious if newer designs will have a better sound-same articulation, more depth, weightier dynamics.  The 436 are transparent to source and preamp and measure as good as most amps made today.  
I am curious about the power reserve in the Hegel 270 000uF capacitors vs 50 000uF in the 436.  It seems it could get a real nice grip on the 2 10" woofers in the Magico S5's sealed design.  Although, further research shows that when used as a monoblocks the H30 loses soundstage and width.  Not what I'm looking for.
The Bryston 7B3 measures as well as the Levinson 436 (http://www.avhub.com.au/product-reviews/hi-fi/bryston-14b179-power-amplifier-review-test-431015) but has more power- and a 20 year warranty. But how does it sound?  Haven't heard it yet.
Soix, I felt the Levinson gear had very good synergy.  I found the 512, 326s and 436 have excellent detail, and transparency, but ultimately lacked some soundstage, depth, drive and musical presentation.  I went with Vinnie Rossi's LIO as a preamp and recovered some tube warmth and 3d I was missing.  I changed speakers from Wilson W.P. 8 to Magico S5 (both excellent speakers).  But the S5 has a different sound, not as forward or hyper-real as the WP8s, so I am looking to add more of the slam and dynamics that I hear from the big rigs at the auto shows, while maintaining that transparency that is equally addicting.  
An amp that is similar to the 436 but with more power seems to be a logical step.  
Also-trying to keep all my gear black, cant do bright meters because of Home theater use, and probably staying ss for the amps. 
Thank you Richards, awesome response from someone with  experience with the h30. I sent hegel an email about its 4ohm rating as a mono, no answer yet after 2 days.  im trying to avoid using a stereo amp as it would require new cables and selling my existing. 
I received an email from Hegel regarding the H30 ability to drive 4 ohm speakers.  His reply is they push about 2000 watts into 4ohm when used as a monoblocks.  

Hi Rob


Thanks for your email.


In 4 ohms about 2000watts.  


Med vennlig hilsen/Best regards

Hegel Music System AS



Fredrik Johnsen


Tlf: +47 22 60 56 60

Elizabeth, that definitely causes me to lean toward the H30.  Looks like I missed a couple that were recently for sale. One left that I see.  I would have to sell what I have...
but I had a really enjoyable listening session last night with my existing equipment.  Might hang tight for now.  Ill try to listen to Bryston and Hegel at Axpona in about a month.

There are a lot of Bryston B cubed series for sale on the used market right now.  Not sure if that has any implication on their performance
theothergreg- Thanks for the recommendation.  The Nemo is a beast.
 From Stereophile 2000:
The discrete clipping measurements (1% THD+noise, 1kHz) indicated a power output of 757W (28.8dBW) into 8 ohms, and 1145W (27.6dBW) into 4 ohms (the power line dropped from 115V to 112V during this test).
Read more at https://www.stereophile.com/content/electrocompaniet-nemo-monoblock-power-amplifier-measurements#06U...

I had Mac C2500 preamp and I loved the sound. I assume the C1100 is sublime.  If all of the glowing lights on the C2500 were defeatable it would have stayed in my system.  I thought it looked really cool with the green tubes visible on top too, but I don't have a rack that could display the tubes of the preamp in my configuration.

I found the ML 326s was extremely detailed- hear the singer turn their head type detail.  It was able to do this with only the slightest bright character to it.  It is not tube sounding- limited depth and 3d quality to the music.  It does allow a nice wide soundstage. It was bulletproof from an operational standpoint and was able to be configured and personalized to do just about anything I needed in my system.  I like ML gear too, and have never had an issue with them.  My Vinnie Rossi LIO adds some tube characteristics to my system and fits in aesthetically.